
Brendan Fraser quickly becoming that guy Reddit wont STFU about

Like many celebrities before him, such as Keanu Reeves, Mark Hamill, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, William Shatner and Mark Hamill, reddit can't stop upvoting anything related to Brendan Fraser. According to one loser, 'He's such an inspiring, emotional guy, he deserves everything he gets". Another user commented "I'd drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to hear Brendan fart through a walkie talkie in the Mummy 4". This meta is all so tiresome.

I Am Crying Laughing

You wake up in a room. As your vision begins to focus, you see a man. It is Jimmy Fallon. You ask "Where are we?"

Jimmy Fallon begins laughing.

He starts to slap the ground in front of you. You begin to get very worried. He claps his hands, tears streaming down his face.

There is no door, there is nothing but Jimmy Fallon.

He clutches your shoulder, gasping for breath. He begins slapping you like a desk. You can't move.

He slaps your knees and you collapse on the floor. In between weezes, he whispers into your ear, "looks like you've... fallon"